This tutorial will guide you through the process of staking tokens (KRING & Deposit) on Koi(Darwinia TestNet) using the v2 collator staking Dapp( developed by RingDAO. If you wish to stake on Darwinia or Crab, this tutorial is also applicable—just switch to the appropriate network.

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If you're currently staking on the v1 collator staking UI, please unstake and migrate your assets to participate in v2 staking. Follow this tutorial for instructions on how to unstake and migrate your assets.


Get started with the dashboard

To get started with the dashboard, navigate to Don’t forget to connect your wallet.



How to stake

Token holders(KRING & Deposit) can delegate a collator candidate by staking tokens and adding to the collator's stake. In return, the collator will share the rewards received from producing blocks amongst all of their delegators.

To obtain the Deposit, you need to lock your KRING for a certain period of time.


To stake your tokens, you need to complete two steps. First, you must delegate a collator, and then you need to stake your tokens with them. After these two steps are done, your stake will be in effect.


For the purpose of staking operations, we will use the following account as an example:


Click on the New Stake button, then click on the Select a collator button. The collator menu will open, and you will see data for each of the collators in the active and waiting pools.




You can switch between two tabs in the staking interface: Active Pool and Waiting Pool. The Active Pool tab displays collators who are currently producing blocks and earning rewards, while the Waiting Pool tab displays collators who are not yet producing blocks or earning rewards.

To begin staking, follow these steps: